调查野生观赏植物资源是园林植物与观赏园艺研究的重要组成部分,也是倡导乡土观赏植物造景、 丰富地区园林植物多样性并促进其可持续发展利用的重要方式。采取野外实地调查、走访和资料收集分析相结合的研究方法,调查桂林喀斯特山区典型野生观赏植物资源种类,并进行系统分析 得出:具有较高观赏价值的野生观赏植物有 67 科 125 属 146 种,其中以被子植物为主;生活型有乔木、灌木、草本、藤本 4 类;观赏类型以观花、观果、观叶的植物居多。根据植物的种类、 生长习性、园林应用等,归纳出具有园林应用价值和造景潜力,并适用于桂林公园绿地、居住区绿地、道路绿地、滨水绿地绿化的野生乡土植物种类。
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The investigation and utilization study of wild ornamental plant resources in karst mountainous areas of Guilin is an important part of the research on garden plants and ornamental horticulture, as well as an important way to advocate the landscaping of native ornamental plants, to enrich the diversity of Guilin's garden plants, and to promote their sustainable development and utilization. By combining field survey, site visit and data collection, this paper conducts a systematic analysis to investigate the typical wild ornamental plant resources in the Karst mountainous area of Guilin. There are 146 species of wild ornamental plants of 67 families and 125 genera with high ornamental value, among which angiosperms are the main ones. There are four categories of life type: trees, shrubs, herbs and vines; and the types of ornamental plants are mostly flower-viewing, fruit-viewing and foliage-viewing. According to the plant species, growth habit, garden application, etc., it summarizes the wild native plant species with garden application value, landscaping potential and applicable to Guilin park green space, residential green space, road green space, waterfront green space greening.