广西书院滥觞于南宋,经明清发展巅峰逐渐走向衰败,于近代转为现代学堂。书院园林遭受严重 破坏至今遗存稀少,文化遗产信息失考。从典籍和稀少的遗存中考证明清广西书院园林空间营造的艺术特色,并得出以下结论:选址受到风水观念与士人文化的双重影响,注重环境美景对读书 人心性的陶冶与教化作用;空间布局、建筑院落的巧妙处理,形成具有规整的轴线、灵活自由的环境空间,营造“礼乐复合”、整体和谐的书院园林环境,体现“藏修息游”的氛围;碑石楹联、 园林植物等要素,文以载道突显尊崇儒学、世俗融通的思想。
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Guangxi academies originated in the Southern Song Dynasty, gradually declined after the peak of development in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and transformed into modern schools in modern times. The academy gardens have suffered serious damage and there are few remaining cultural heritage information. This article examines the artistic characteristics of garden space construction in Guangxi academies during the Ming and Qing dynasties from ancient texts and rare relics, and draws the following conclusions. Site selection was influenced by both Feng Shui concepts and scholar culture, emphasizing the role of environmental beauty in cultivating and educating the hearts and minds of scholars. The smart handling of spatial layout and architectural courtyards creates a well-organized axis, flexible and free environmental space, creating a 'ritual music composite' and harmonious academy garden environment.They are reflecting the atmosphere of 'Tibetan cultivation and relaxation tour'. Inscriptions, couplets, garden plants, etc. are used to convey the message of reverence for Confucianism and the integration of secular ideas.