大灰藓Calohypnum plumiforme 广泛用于园艺园林产业。为了探究营造近热带雨林林下苔藓景观方法,通过评价大灰藓生长情况、测定林下环境与冠层结构指标,研究林下冠层结构对大灰藓的生长影响。结果表明:1) 林下照度、温度、湿度对大灰藓的生长都有较大的影响,其中最适平均照度为 50~70×100lx,最适温度为 23.2℃ ~24.2℃,最适湿度为 68%rh~70%rh;2) 冠层结构主要通过影响林下环境间接影响苔藓的生长,平均叶面积指数、平均林隙分数、平均叶倾角、平均冠层表观聚集度因子均与林下平均照度、平均温度有显著的相关性,与平均湿度则无显著相关性;3)冠层结构的叶面积指数为 2.5~3.5、平均林隙分数为 0.08~0.1、平均叶倾角为 35~45、平均冠层表现聚集度因子为 0.8~1 时更适合大灰藓的生长。群落模式可总结为:上层为叶片大小中等且叶片不太密集的树种,中下层为大叶灌木或者草本,下层为低矮蕨类,进而营造出多层次的近热带雨林苔藓景观。
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Calohypnum plumiform is widely used in the horticultural and landscape industry. In order to explore the methods of creating a bryophyte landscape under near-tropical rainforests, this paper studied the impact of understory canopy structure on the growth of Calohypnum plumiform by evaluating its growth status and measuring the understory environment and canopy structure indicators. The results showed that: 1) The understory illumination, temperature, and humidity all have a significant impact on the growth of Calohypnum plumiform, of which the optimal average illumination was 50~70×100lx, the optimal temperature was 23.2℃~24.2℃, and the optimal humidity was 68%rh~70%rh; 2)The canopy structure mainly indirectly affects the growth of bryophyte by affecting the understory environment. The average leaf area index, the average diffuse non-intercepting,the mean tilt angle, and average apparent clumping factor have a significant correlation with understory average illumination and average temperature, but no significant correlation with average humidity; 3) A canopy structure with a leaf area index of 2.5~3.5,average diffuse non-intercepting of 0.08~0.1, mean tilt angle of 35~45, and average apparent clumping factor of 0.8~1 is more suitable for the growth of Calohypnum plumiform. The community pattern can be summarized as follows: the upper layer is composed of tree species with medium leaf size and low density, the lower middle layer is large-leaved shrubs or herbs, and the lower layer is low ferns, thus creating a multi-layered near-tropical rainforest bryophyte landscape.