为研究岭南园林三景,即声景、光景和香景营造的技艺和艺术特征,在文献古籍和实地调查的基础上,探究岭南四大名园(余荫山房、清晖园、梁园、可园)中三景融合与多元景观营造的典型实例,从地域性和时间性 2 个层面分析岭南园林三景造园的艺术效果和审美体验。重点以余荫山房为例分析了三景的营造技艺和空间分布特点,总结出岭南园林讲求声、光、香多感官景观的交织营造,其三景具有典型地域性、时间性的物境特征,追求务实性、享乐性的情境特征,展现文化性、艺术性的意境特征。岭南园林三景的多元性与艺术性,为岭南园林和高品质人居环境的建设提供了新的思路。
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This study delves into the construction techniques and artistic attributes of Soundscape, Smellscape, and Lightscape within Lingnan Gardens, drawing upon ancient texts and field research. Focusing on four renowned Lingnan gardens—Yuyin, Qinghui, Liang, and Ke—it showcases examples of integrated multi-sensory landscape design, emphasizing the unique regional and temporal aspects of these sensory experiences. Specifically, the analysis centers on Yuyin Garden, exploring the construction methods and spatial arrangement of Soundscape, Smellscape, and Lightscape, and elucidating the intertwined multi-sensory landscape elements that highlight sound, light, and scent. The research reveals that the Soundscape, Smellscape, and Lightscape in Lingnan Gardens exhibit distinctive regional and temporal traits, aim for functional and pleasurable experiences, and reflect profound cultural and artistic values. The findings suggest that the rich diversity and artistry of these sensory landscapes offer innovative perspectives for Lingnan garden design and the enhancement of living environments.