报道了广东省苦苣苔科植物新分布属——苦苣苔属Conandron Siebold & Zucc.,该属为单型属,华东地区及台湾至日本区系共有分布,属下仅苦苣苔C. ramondioides Siebold & Zucc.一种。此次在广东惠州、清远最新发现之前,原仅在福建、浙江、江西、台湾、安徽记录。
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Conandron Siebold & Zucc., a newly distributed genus of Gesneriaceae reported in Guangdong Province, is a monotypic genus distributed in East China to Japan, with only C. ramondioides Siebold & Zucc. belonging to it. Before the latest discovery in Huizhou and Qingyuan, Guangdong, it was only recorded in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Taiwan and Anhui
广东省财政厅2021 年中央林业改革发展资金(第二批)项目资助(粤财资环〔2021〕67 号)