通过走访调查、查阅文献资料,对世界范围内的朱槿 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 栽培品种资源进行全面梳理,结果发现:1) 截至 2021 年 3 月 27 日,国际朱槿协会上已登录 22 347 个朱槿品 种名称,栽培品种记载数量最多的地区为美国,而我国大陆地区很少;2) 少数品种为 1960 年前记载,绝大部分为 2002 年后培育或发现;3) 朱槿栽培品种间的性状存在较大差异,国内外均未提出系统的分类方案。因此,通过梳理国内外朱槿品种资源现状, 根据其性状,并结合《国际栽培植物命名法规》和“二元分类法”, 探讨朱槿栽培品种按照花型分类的品种群分类方案,初步确立第 一级分类标准为花瓣边缘特征,第二级分类标准为瓣型,第三级标准为花形,将 22 347 个栽培种划分成 12 个品种群。
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This paper has a comprehensive summary on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivars resources worldwide through investigation and literature review. The results show that until March 27, 2021, 22 347 cultivars of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis have been registered on the International Hibiscus Association, and the region with the largest number of recorded cultivars is the United States, while there are very few in the Chinese mainland. Secondly, a few cultivars were registered before 1960 while most were cultivated or discovered after 2002. Furthermore, the characters of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivars are quite different, and no systematic classification scheme has been proposed at home and abroad. Therefore, by clarifying the current situation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivars resources at home and abroad, according to their characters, and combining the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants and “dual classification system”, the classification scheme of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivars according to flower types is discussed. The paper preliminarily established a classification scheme with petal edge characteristics as the first-level classification standard, petal type as the second-level standard, and flower shape as the third-level standard. According to the classification standard, 22 347 cultivars are divided into 12 groups.
国家自然科学基金重点项目 ( 编号 31870699) 资助