钱泳履园位于常熟市翁家庄,此园以水为胜,树木繁茂,是一处简远雅致的文人园林,在私家园林日渐流俗的清代中后期独树一帜,成为研究清代江南园林的重要案例。履园现已消失, 通过解读分析履园的园铭和园图题咏,探析其山水环境及景观元素,从水系、植物、建筑 3 个方面复原履园的基本面貌,再现其邻溪而建、植被丰富、朴雅清逸的景观特征。并以《履园丛话》为基础,结合复原成果,总结钱泳的造园理念为相配得宜、造园如作诗文、构景追寻意境 3 个方面。
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Qian Yong's Lv Garden is located in Wengjiazhuang, Changshu City. It is a concise and elegant literati garden, featuring beautiful waterscape and lush trees. It developed a school of its own in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, when private gardens were becoming more and more common, and became an important case of Jiangnan gardens in the Qing Dynasty. The Lv Garden has now disappeared. Through the interpretation and analysis of garden epigraph and the inscription of landscape painting, this paper analyzes the landscape environment and landscape elements of the garden, and reconstructs the basic appearance from the three aspects of water system, plant and architecture, and reappears the landscape pattern, which is built next to stream, rich in vegetation, simple and elegant. In addition, based on the literature of Lvyuan Conghua and combining with the results of restoration, the paper summarizes Qian Yong's concept of garden construction from three aspects: appropriate matching, gardening like writing poetry, and pursuit of artistic conception.