为了解水乡乡村聚落空间研究进展,运用文献统计分析和内容分析法,总结 1915—2021 年中国南方水乡乡村聚落空间结构特征、演变过程及影响因素的研究进展。结果表明:区域层面主要基于地理学、景观生态学和城乡规划学进行定量研究,村域层面主要基于建筑学、城乡规划学和风景园林学进行定性研究;不同时期的研究存在内容差异和方法差异,不同地区和对象的研究进展存在明显的不均衡性。提出未来研究应加强规律探寻与实践指导的有效衔接,增加适地性因子和多时段因子的选取,加深对影响因素的研究,总结提炼地域乡村聚落空间基因库,加强定性研究与定量研究相结合。
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To research the progress of rural settlements space in water area, the method of literature statistical analysis and content analysis are used to summary the research progress of spatial structure characteristics, evolution process and influencing factors of rural settlements in water towns of south China from 1915 to 2021. The results show that the quantitative research is mainly based on geography, landscape ecology and urban and rural planning at regional level, while the qualitative research is mainly based on architecture, urban and rural planning and landscape architecture at village level. There are differences in contents and methods of research in different periods, and there is an obvious imbalance in the progress of research in different regions and objects. In order to provide guidance for future research, the paper forecasts some priorities and directions, such as to strengthen the effective connection between theoretical exploration and practical guidance, increase the selection of suitability factors and multi-period factors, deepen the research of influencing factors, summarize and refine the regional rural settlement spatial gene pool, and strengthen the combination of qualitative research and quantitative research.
广州市哲学社会科学发展“十四五”规划 2020 年度共建课题,《粤港澳大湾区文化圈建设视野下广州乞巧民俗文化活态传承模式研究》(编号: 2021GZGJ89);华南农业大学教育教学研究和改革重点项目《乡村振兴背景下农林院校城乡规划专业内涵建设研究》(编号:JG21042);华南农业大学 2021 年百个专任教师党支部思政精品课建设《城乡规划概论》(编号:4400/K21056)