动物学类课程作为一类专门介绍与生物多样性密切相关内容的课程,对生态文明建设和可持续发展具有重要的作用。高校校园鸟类资源丰富,且鸟类与人类生活联系密切,分类特征明显, 观测手段相对简便易行,故将观察鸟类作为动物学类课程实践教学的手段。借助课程组织学生调查和监测校园里鸟类的多样性和分布,设计学生参与的考核方式,开放实验室和标本室等一系列教学实践方法,有助于动物学类课程理论联系实际、就地取材, 能有效调动学生的学习主动性,并能加强师生之间的沟通交流, 显著提高学生的学习效果、合作能力及专业综合素养。
[Key word]
Zoology courses, as a kind of courses that specially introduce the contents closely related to biodiversity, play an important role in the construction of ecological civilization and sustainable development. College campuses are rich in bird resources, and birds are closely related to human life, with obvious classification characteristics and relatively simple observation methods. Therefore, observing birds is used as a practical teaching method for zoology courses. A series of teaching practice methods, such as organizing students to monitor the diversity and distribution of birds on campus, designing assessment methods for students’ participation, opening laboratory and herbarium, can help zoology courses integrate theory with practice and draw local materials, effectively mobilize students’ learning initiative, strengthen the communication between teachers and students, significantly improve students’ learning effect, cooperation ability and professional comprehensive quality.
华南农业大学 2020 年教改项目“基于 MOOC 的 SPOC 混合教学模式在《动物学》教学中应用探索”资助,项目编号:4400/K20139;华南农业大学 2021 百个专任教师党支部思政精品课程 - 动物学,项目编号:4400/K21061