为保护迁徙鸟类保护提供依据,于 2020 年采用样线法、样点法并结合文献和网络数据,对汕尾市的鸟类多样性进行调查。共记录到鸟类 18 目 67 科 172 属 335 种,其中国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类分别为 8 种和 48 种。区系以东洋界为主,共 138 种;古北界次之,有 126 种。居留型以留鸟为主共 156 种,冬候鸟116 种。鸟类优势种 22 种,常见种 35 种,少见种 81 种,罕见种 197 种。调查区域按 G-F 指数从大到小依次为海丰县(0.83)、陆河县(0.82)、陆丰市(0.77)、城区(0.68)。结果显示,汕尾市是黄胸鹀 Emberiza aureola 和黑脸琵鹭 Platalea minor 等濒危鸟类的重要栖息地,应加强对鸟类及其栖息地的保护。
[Key word]
In order to provide reference data for the protection of migratory birds, in 2020, the diversity of Shanwei City was investigated by using the method of line transects and point count, combined with literature and internet data. The results showed that a total of 335 species were recorded, belonging to 18 orders, 67 family, 172 genus. Among these, 8 species were listed in the first category and 48 species in the second category of the Lists of Wildlife under Special State Protection in China. The fauna was dominated by the oriental bird, with 138 species, and 126 species were palaearctic bird. The resident bird had the advantage, with 156 species, and 116 species were winter bird. Among the 335 species, 22 were dominant species, 35 were common, 81 were unusual, 197 were rare. The survey regions of Shanwei City in descending order of G-F index is Haifeng County(0.83), Luhe County(0.82), Lufeng City(0.77), and Urban Area(0.68). The results showed that Shanwei City was a habitat for the endangered birds such as Emberiza aureola and Platalea mino. Shanwei City should strengthen the conservation of birds and their habitats.
国家科技支撑计划 - 环境友好型城镇景观林构建技术研究与示范(2015BAD07B06-8)