对太原市河流生态廊道和道路生态廊道的草本植被进行调查,分析其植物种类构成和分布格局,探讨城市生态廊道植物多样性及景观效益。结果表明,太原城市生态廊道草本植物有 174 种,隶属于 41 科 20 属,其中乡土植物 107 种,所占比例 61.49%;外来植物 48 种,所占比例 27.59%;入侵植物 19 种,所占比例 10.92%。相关分析表明,距离城市中心越远,调查样点草本植物多样性越高,可见城市化进程降低了城市生态廊道的植物丰富度。总体来看,道路生态廊道草本植被多样性高于河流生态廊道。不同廊道中入侵种占比的分布规律并不一致,河流生态廊道入侵种比例随着城市中心距离的增加而增加;而道路生态廊道恰恰相反,距城市中心越近,入侵种占比反而越大。
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This paper carried out a research on the species composition and distribution pattern of herb in Taiyuan urban ecological corridors, in order to investigate the plant diversity and landscape effects of urban ecological corridors. As results, a total of 174 species of herb, belonging to 20 genera and 41 families, were concerned in ecological corridors, including 107 species of indigenous plants, 48 species of alien plants and 19 species of invasive plants, accounting for 61.49%, 27.59% and 10.92%,respectively. The correlation analysis showed that the farther the survey site is from the city center, the higher the diversity of herb.Thus, urbanization decreases herb richness. In the investigation,the road ecological corridors always showed higher plant diversity than river ecological corridors. In addition, the invasive plants showed different distribution patterns in the two different ecological corridors. The ratio of invasive plants showed direct proportion to urban center distance in river ecological corridors, while showed inverse proportion in road ecological corridors.