对广州市越秀、天河、荔湾和海珠 4 个区 106 个样点的立体绿化情况进行调查与统计分析,得到共有 80 个样点应用了立体绿化景观,立体绿化应用率为 75.47%,其中天河区的应用率最高,为 88.46%,荔湾区的应用率最低,为 66.67%。应用植物种类共 42 科 72 属 86 种,包括草本植物 45 种,木本植物 24 种,藤本植物 17 种,种数应用最多的科是天南星科和百合科,使用频率较高的种是鹅掌藤 Heptapleurum arboricola、光叶子花 Bougainvillea glabra、肾蕨 Nephrolepis cordifolia、使君子 Quisqualis indica 和绿萝Epipremnum aureum 等,植物种类应用较为集中、单一。立体绿化景观设计类型以棚架、桥体和墙面绿化为主,立柱和斜坡绿化较少;植物栽培形式主要有绿篱式、悬挂式、攀爬式、模块式等。
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By survey and statistical analysis on Yuexiu District, Tianhe District, Liwan District and Haizhu District in Guangzhou, there are 80 sites with vertical greening landscapes among the 106 sites, and the average rate of vertical greening application is 75.47%. Among them, Tianhe District has the highest application rate at 88.46%, and Liwan District has the lowest application rate at 66.67%. A total of 86 species of vertical greening plants from 72 genera, 42 families are uesd, including 45 herbs, 24 woody plants and 17 vines. The most commonly used families belong to Araceae and Liliaceae,and the most frequently used plants are Heptapleurum arboricola, Bougainvillea glabra, Nephrolepis auriculata, Quisqualis indica,Epipremnum aureum and so on. The application of plant species is relatively concentrated and single. In addition, pergola greening,bridge greening and wall greening are main vertical greening structure in Guangzhou, and column greening and slope greening are applied less. Plant cultivation forms mainly include hedge type,hanging type, climbing type, modular type and so on.