以广东省肇庆市为研究地点,选择‘月月粉’ Rosa chinensis ‘Old blush’、 ‘月月红’ R. chinensis ‘Slater’s Crimson’、‘玉玲珑’ R. chinesis ‘Yu Ling Long’、 ‘绿萼’ R. chinensis ‘Viridiflora’、‘紫荷’ R. chinensis ‘Zi He’ 5 种当地生长良好的中国古老月季作为研究对象,通过观测其形态特征、生长习性并结合适应性分析与案例分析,确定其可尝试以花灌木、灌木球、绿篱等形式用于营造花境、花坛绿化、道路绿化及组团绿化。
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Researching in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province,this thesis chooses five Chinese old garden roses, including Rosa chinensis ‘Old blush’, R. chinensis ‘Slater’s Crimson’, R. chinensis ‘Yu Ling Long’, R. chinensis ‘Viridiflora’ and R. chinensis ‘Zi He’,to observe their morphological characters and growth habits.Connecting with cases and adaptability analysis, the results show that they are suit to be used as shrub and hedge in the landscape of flower border, flower bed, highway greening and group landscape.
广东海洋大学寸金学院校级质量工程项目(CJTSZY2016001);2019 年广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程建设项目(园林特色专业)