琴与园林关系密切,许多园林题名都以琴命名,抚琴、 听琴的环境也以园林为佳。园林听琴分为,听有形之琴和听 无形之琴。无形之琴,也就是意会之琴,是听自然之音入耳 后以琴声比拟。琴在园林中有身份定位、娱情忘忧、清音造 境的功能,隐喻了一种雅文化,暗合了中国古人的审美理想 和生活方式。园林中营造的虚实琴境,散发出的艺术氛围, 是一种特有的雅赏的审美体验。
[Key word]
Lyre is closely related to gardens. Many garden titles are named after lyre. The garden environment for lyre-playing is better than other places. Listening to the sound of lyre in gardens can be divided into two parts: one is listening to the sound of tangible lyre and the other is listening to the sound of invisible lyre. The invisible lyre means that there is no lyre in fact, but it seems to hear the sound of lyre while listening to the sound of nature. Lyre has the voice of showing social identity and entertainment, forgetting sadness and creating a special atmosphere. Lyre metaphors a kind of elegant culture, implying the aesthetic ideal and life style of the ancient Chinese. The virtual and real lyre artistic conception and artistic atmosphere created in garden is a unique aesthetic experience of elegant appreciation.