晚明徐景文紫芝园是徐氏造园的杰出代表,以其高超的叠 石营造冠绝吴下。其存世 99 年,期间几经兴衰,最终焚毁于大火, 至今遗迹全无。利用相关文史,梳理紫芝园历史脉络,对其选址 位置进行考证。通过对园记的分析,实现紫芝园平面布局与景观 要素的复原,并结合复原内容,对紫芝园营造特征加以研究。发 现紫芝园建筑密度大,建筑形式多样,采用方池曲水的理水方式, 带有晚明时期造园手法转变的特征。假山仍以观赏石峰为主,叠 山技法呈现出一定滞后性。
[Key word]
Xu Jingwen’s Zizhi Garden in the late Ming Dynasty is the outstanding representative of gardens of Xu Family, topping the list of rockery in Suzhou. It has existed for 99 years, during which it experienced several rises and falls, and was finally burned and destroyed in a fire, leaving no traces. This research deduces the development of Zizhi Garden and figures out the site location by the comparison of different literatures. Based on the analysis of literatures about Zizhi Garden, the research tries to restore the layout and scenery configuration and analyzes the design characteristics of Zizhi Garden. The result shows that Zizhi Garden has a high density of buildings and a variety of architectural forms. Also, winding pond can be seen in Zizhi Garden, which has strong features of the transition period of gardening design in the late Ming Dynasty. The rockery design still focuses on the visual effect of peak, which falls behind the times.
江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(编号 :PAPD);大学生实践创新训练计划项目(编号 :2020NFUSPITP0906)