铁冬青Ilex rotunda是华南和华中地区优良红色类观果植物。据调查其能有效吸引17 种具有生态价值的野生鸟类,结合花期吸引传粉昆虫及果期的引鸟效果,通过孤植、列植、群植模式与 25种其他引鸟植物进行合理配置,形成园林景观营造、声景观构建与鸟类栖息地水景营造。表明铁冬青是优良的乡土引鸟植物,在生态引鸟的同时,丰富了植物景观群落,增强了景观的空间层次,营造了支撑复杂食物链的动植物栖息地。
[Key word]
Ilex rotunda is a great red ornamental fruit plant in south and central China. According to the investigation, it can effectively attract 17 species of wild birds with ecological value. In Combination with the effect of attracting pollinating insects in flowering period and attracting birds in fruit period, Ilex rotunda is an excellent bird and butterfly-attractive plant through the reasonable collocation of solitary planting , arranged planting , grouped planting with 25 other species of birds, which can form the landscape construction,sound landscape construction and water landscape construction of bird habitat. While attracting birds ecologically, it enriches the plant landscape community, enhances the spatial hierarchy of the landscape, and creates an animal and plant habitat that supports a complex food chain.
广东省教育厅青年创新人才类项目 (2017Gk QNCX045);广东省环保厅环境保护专项基金;广东省高职教育教学改革项目 (JZQN201702; CYQN2017027)。