欧阳修自幼与园林结缘,仕宦四十年,所到之处植花造园,笔耕不辍,留下数座园林景观、二十多篇园亭记及百余首园林诗词,撰写了现存最早的牡丹专著《洛阳牡丹记》,为后人研究园林提供了珍贵的史料。欧阳修的园林活 动和园林书写与其宦海沉浮、文学创作紧密相关。欧阳修热爱但不耽溺于园林,其崇尚自然、开放自适,不拘于形,不役于物的园林观,拓宽了园林审美的视域,启发了后人对“物”的审美思考,为园林理论注入了新鲜血液。欧阳修进一步打开了园林的大门,推动了园林的开放,为园林的繁荣与普及做出贡献。
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Ou Yangxiu became attached to the gardens when he was young. Being officials for forty years,Ou Yangxiu had built several gardens and written more than twenty essays and over a hundred of poetry about gardens and pavilions wherever he went. The Peonies in Luoyang is the earliest article about peonies up to now,which provides a valuable historical record for the descendants to study the ancient gardens. Ou Yangxiu’s garden activities and essays are closely related to his ups and downs in officialdom as well as his literary creation. Ou Yangxiu loved the gardens deeply and broadened the garden aesthetic view. His view of gardens is to keep them natual,comfortable,and not to be confined to forms and enslaved to materials as well,which has not only enlightened the descendants’aesthetic thinking about “materials”, but also injected fresh blood into garden theories. Ou Yangxiu promoted the development of gardens and made great contributions to the prosperity and popularization of gardens.