国家公园在全球持续传播和发展,并形成各具特色的国家公园体系,对我国以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设有积极的参考意义。梳理国家公园的兴起、传播与发展历程,认为可分3个阶段:1)19世纪70年代至19世纪末的英联邦国家间传播阶段;2)20世纪初至40年代末的欧洲发达国家的普及与向亚非拉殖民地国家传播阶段;3)20世纪50年代至今的全球化传播阶段。在分析加拿大班夫国家公园、南非克鲁格国家公园和苏格兰凯恩戈姆斯国家公园3个不同阶段代表性案例的基础上,为我国国家公园的建设提出建议:严控建设活动、制定负面清单、加强社区 参与、适度商业开发。
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Since their birth, national parks have continuously spread and developed in the world,and have formed different national park systems with their own characteristics,which have a positive reference for the construction of Chinese protected area system based on national parks. By sorting out the emergence of national parks and their spread and development around the world,it is concluded that the development of national parks can be divided into three stages: the stage of spread among the British Commonwealth countries from the 1870s to the end of the 19th century,the stage of popularization in European developed countries and spread to the colonial countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America from the early 20th to the late 1940s, the stage of globalizing spread since the 1950s.Based on the analysis of three representative cases in different stages of Banff National Park in Canada,Kruger National Park in South Africa and Cairngorms National Park in Scotland,this paper puts forward suggestions for the construction of national parks in China: controlling construction activities strictly,compiling negative list,strengthening community participation and developing business moderately.
国家自然科学基金(41871156,41701190),2019 年度华南农业大学教改项目“参与式规划设计教学——基于广州、澳门城 市更新的实践”(编号 60)