基于普查数据,对佛山市古树名木资源的树种结构、树龄、分布、生长环境、生长状况、权属等方面进行了分析。结果表明,佛山古树名木共计 51 种,隶属于 29 科 43 属,优势种包括榕树 Ficus microcarpa、黄葛树 Ficus virens、龙眼 Dimocarpus longan、木棉 Bombax ceiba、水翁 Syzygium nervosum 等,珍稀濒危物种有水松 Glyptostrobus pensilis、格木 Erythrophleum fordii、红椿 Toona ciliata、见血封喉 Antiaris toxicaria 4 种。全市古树名木共计 2 095 株,其中一级、二级和三级古树分别占总量的 0.33%、2.86%、96.75%,生长环境和生长状况普遍较好,主要分布于乡村,且绝大部分属集体所有。在充分分析现状资源的基础上,就如何加强古树名木保护和利用提出了一系列的建议。
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This paper analyzes the species structure, ages, regional distribution, growth environments, growth status, ownership and obligation of the ancient and famous trees in Foshan City, based on the general investigation data. The results indicate that there are totally 51 species of the ancient and famous trees in Foshan City, belonging to 43 genera and 29 families. The dominant species include Ficus microcarpa, Ficus virens, Dimocarpus longan, Bombax ceiba, Syzygium nervosum and so on, the endanger and rare species are Glyptostrobus pensilis, Erythrophleum fordii, Toona ciliata, Antiaris toxicaria. There are totally 2 095 individuals of the ancient and famous trees in Foshan City, with the first, second and third class ancient trees accounting for 0.33%, 2.86% and 96.75% respectively. The environment and growth conditions are generally good, which are mainly distributed in rural area and mostly belonged to collective ownership. A series of suggestions are provided on the protection and utilization of the ancient and famous trees in Foshan City, based on the thorough analysis of the resources condition.