严家花园建于拥有2 500年历史的木渎古镇,曾由苏州香山帮著名建筑师姚承祖修缮,是江南私家宅园的一个典型案例,其庭院部分以四季为主题的造园手法颇具特色,值得保护传承。严家花园新园的增补规划为园林的修复和开展当下的旅游产业带来了增益,但新园与原址羡园部分在修复的艺术手法上有所差异,也带来了同一园林中的两部分不一样的景观风格。这样的新园新建行为,在严家花园整体的修复工作中得失具存,也值得相关从业人员在后续其他古典园林的修复中汲取严家花园的经验,因修复目的制宜。
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Yanjia Garden is located in Mudu town which has a history of 2500 years.As a typical case of private house garden in Jiangnan,it has been repaired by Yao Chengzu,a famous architect from Xiangshan,Suzhou. The four seasons theme of gardening technique in courtyard is unique and worth of protection and inheritance. The addition of new part in Yanjia Garden has brought a gain to the restoration of whole garden and the development of current tourism industry.However,the artistic methods of new garden restoration and original garden are different,and the two part of the same garden have different landscape styles.Such new garden construction behaviors in the Yanjia Garden bring both gains and losses, relevant practitioners and subsequent restoration designers of other classical gardens whould learn from it.